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Let's Get Started...

Getting started with Free Fax to Email is free & easy. Just fill in the fields below then click Continue. Once completed, you can use your username and password to login to any of our other sites wherever you see the logo.


Remember, this service is completely FREE. There are no hidden charges and you can see the small things we ask you to do here.

If you have any questions about how we support the service for free or need any more information on how to use the service, please see our FAQ.

The full name of the person who will be responsible for administering your Free Fax to Email account.

Please note: whilst Free Fax to Email will receive faxes from anywhere in the world, this service gives you a UK fax number starting 0871/0872 only. For information on sending faxes to your UK number from outside the UK and whether your provider permits the international call, please see our FAQ.

Our free service does not currently offer fax numbers from countries outside of the United Kingdom. For freephone, UK geographic and international numbering, please see our paid-for service, Crosby Fax. Crosby Fax can offer US fax numbers on a case-by-case basis starting at $10 (USD) per month; to enquire please email sales@crosbyfax.co.uk